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AAN Membership Report

02/01/2017 2:17 PM | Deleted user
January 30, 2017

AAN members can now join the new Neurohealth & Integrative Neurology Section and Synapse online community. The new section will be a forum to connect neurologists and practitioners who recognize the need to investigate therapies which may have potential to preserve neurologic health, promote neurologic recovery, and increase patient wellness, including non‐pharmaceutical and complementary treatments.

Membership renewal rates were strong for 2016. The goals for the number of dues-paying US neurologists and retention rate of dues-paying US neurologists were met, along with goals for retention of Early Career members and the number of medical students.

The goal was also met for the number of members applying for Fellow status with the AAN during 2016, with a total of 217 applications submitted.

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